Cyan Solutions Google ad grant services

How we helped the Canadian Lung Association achieve 90K in Google Ad Grants spend in 2022

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The Canadian Lung Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting healthy lungs and fighting lung disease. As a long-time client, CLA approached Cyan Solutions to help them increase website traffic, raise awareness of lung diseases and drive more donations to their website, through their Google Ad Grants Account.



The Canadian Lung Association was seeking to make better use of its Google Ad Grants Account, which provides up to $10,000 per month in free advertising on Google Search. The Ad Grants Program requires a Click-Through-Rate of 5% minimum to keep the grant privileges. Cyan’s job was to create compelling campaigns and keep them serving well above the minimum benchmark while striving to increase overall website traffic, online donations and general awareness. 




Cyan Solutions developed a comprehensive strategy to help the Canadian Lung Association make the most of their Google Ad Grants Account. The team conducted extensive research to identify the most effective keywords for the organization and developed a series of targeted ads that would be displayed to potential donors when they searched for these keywords.

Our team focused on creating ads that would appeal to the emotions of potential donors and encourage them to take action. We also wrote compelling ad copy to increase the audience size of website users visiting the general Lung Disease section of the CLA website. 

The ads were designed to be eye-catching, informative, and easy to understand, with a strong call to action to visit the Canadian Lung Association’s website.




With Cyan Solutions’ help, the Canadian Lung Association was able to achieve a spend of nearly $90,000 through their Google Ad Grants Account. The organization saw a significant increase in website traffic, info sheet downloads, increased time on site, and increased user sessions. This increase in traffic was largely due to the success of the ads, which achieved click-through rates (CTRs) of over 20%.

Additionally, the team was able to drive more traffic to the Canadian Lung Association’s donations page, resulting in more online donations. These results were achieved through a combination of carefully targeted ads and ongoing optimization of the ad campaigns to ensure that they were as effective as possible.


Google Ad Grants Program


The Google Ad Grants Program is a non-profit initiative that provides eligible organizations with up to $10,000 per month in free advertising on Google Search. The program is designed to help non-profit organizations increase their online presence and drive more traffic to their websites. By using Google Ad Grants, organizations can reach a wider audience and promote their cause more effectively. The program is a great opportunity for non-profit organizations to make a bigger impact without having to spend a lot of money on advertising.




Cyan Solutions helped the Canadian Lung Association to achieve a spend of nearly $84k through their Google Ad Grants Account. The team was able to increase website traffic, acquire high CTRs, and drive more traffic to the donations page. This was achieved through a comprehensive strategy that included targeted ads, ongoing optimization, and a focus on appealing to the emotions of potential donors. The success of this campaign demonstrates the power of the Google Ad Grants Program and the impact that it can have on non-profit organizations.

Want to find out if your charity or association qualifies for the Google Ad Grants? Check your eligibility to get up to $10,000 per month for Google Search Ads free here.

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