How we helped Sonography Canada implement its new membership structure

Case Study

When a proposed change to their membership structure failed at their AGM, Sonography Canada came to us for help.



Sonography Canada


  • Campaign Management and Execution
  • Marketing and Communications Strategy
  • Graphic Design
  • Email Campaigns
  • Website Design
  • Content Strategy and Creation
  • Copywriting
  • Video
  • Social Media
  • Advertising


Assist Sonography Canada in implementing their proposed membership structure and help to communicate the benefits to their members.

They also needed help with the Special Vote that would have been done electronically to pass the proposed changes. They not only had concerns about the vote passing but getting the necessary quorum for it to be accepted according to their by-laws.

The Target

Sonography Canada’s 5,000+ voting members across the country.


In order to educate members on the proposed changes, we produced a video and designed a series of dedicated landing pages on their website’s membership section. Then, we created a series of emails and organic social media posts to drive traffic to the website content. We uploaded their membership list into Facebook’s advertising platform and targeted members with paid advertising.

To run the online voting, we partnered with the electronic voting experts at Clear Picture, who set up and ran the vote.



The vote was successfully passed and received quorum, so we also helped their membership renewal campaign which also surpassed its goal.

Thanks for your help with the membership campaign. The deadline is tonight and so far we have surpassed our goal!

  • Susan Clarke, MBA
  • Executive Director

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