5 Inspiration-Hacks for Your Content Marketing Strategy
If you’re a content marketer, and perhaps work in a startup, it’s very likely that you’ve heard of the term “growth hacking.” What does it mean? It is a relatively new set of tactics and techniques that will kick start your content marketing growth and expand your reach to previously unseen levels.
That’s great and all, but what if you need that little creative spark to get you going down the road to growth hacking? That’s where we’re here to help. Try using the following tactics and techniques to get your content marketing strategy to places where it has never been before.
1. Don’t Constrain Yourself to Shorter Lengths
Writing blogs or articles for the web? Here’s an inspiration tip: don’t write short posts. The more epic your content is, the more likely it’s going to show up on the first page of search engine results. Marketer Neil Patel did a bit of research and found that if your article wants to rank in the top 10 results for any keyword on Google, it should have a content length of at least 2,000 words. So feel free to write at length about a particular subject. The more you write in a single post, the more likely it will be seen. Make longer articles part of your content marketing strategy.
2. Do Guest Spots on Other Blogs
This is a classic technique (well, so far as a classic technique in the new field of growth hacking) that will not only grow your business, but give you the inspiration to talk about things if you’re stuck for a topic — presuming your guest gives you the topic to write about. By using another person’s network, you can tap into a new audience for your work. One company documented the results of their guest blogging, and found that they had gained an audience of one million people!
3. Think of Ways to Turn Your Content Into a Game
You probably don’t want to turn your company into a video game studio, but you have to consider that the video game industry raked in over $151 billion last year alone. Think of ways you can make your content into a game. Are there any achievements you can unlock for having visitors read a set number of articles? Are there any polls you can run on your site? Tap into tactics that understand how people love to play games, and that may inspire you to create content to go around it. Incorporating gamification into your content marketing strategy may pay big dividends.
4. Brainstorm Article Headlines
Another way to seek inspiration for your content marketing strategy is to come up with the catchiest headlines that you can for ideas you may have. Remember that most people are going to base their decision to read your article on the headline alone. So look at headlines around the web and ask yourself the question of whether or not the article or infographic (or whatever) would work without it. Learn and seek inspiration from the work of others.
5. Consider What Kinds of Stories You’re Telling
In coming up with effective content for your content marketing strategy, determine if what you’re doing in terms of storytelling is actually working. If not, what are ways that you can tell better stories? You may want to tell a story about how you got from X number of visitors of your site (and maybe that number is zero) to Y number of visitors. Show how your company or organization is being a success. That bit of inspiration might inspire even more people to come pay your site a visit. People love success stories.
Reach Out to Cyan Solutions
Now that you’re inspired with some new ideas around your content marketing strategy, why not contact Cyan Solutions to come up with even more? We can help you figure out what stories to tell and much more, so be sure to contact us today.
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